Category: news

  • Jack Plotkin Goldman

    Investing in Biotech Overviewed by Jack Plotkin, ex-Goldman Sachs Banker

    The biotech industry is broad and, like its name suggests, combines concepts and approaches from both biology and technology. Jack Plotkin highlights that there are multiple ways to invest in biotech and despite the risks, highlights that investor interest in the biotech sector shows no signs of abating.

  • sobriety checkpoint

    Strictest States for DUI

    Driving under the influence is always gamble with the law as well as your own safety and the safety of others. Roughly 30 people in the U.S. die every day in drunk driving accidents, claiming around

  •’s Smart Customer Service Robot is an e-commerce company found in China. The company was valued at around $25 billion as per the U.S. IPO in 2014. This implies that by revenue, is the largest e-commerce company in

  • Samsung Biologics

    Samsung Biologics Beats Q1 Consensus, Signs 10 New Clients

    Samsung Biologics proved a successful Q1, beating the consensus again and gaining new partnerships.

  • How to Graduate Earlier

    Whether you’re in high school or college, graduating is an exciting and important moment in your life. When in high school, for most people, it marks the beginning of an independent life, and

  • Equities First Holdings Bloomberg

    Equities First Holdings: A Profile of Success

    Equities First Holdings’ success can be found in many of their online profiles, such as Bloomberg.

  • stylish car

    Most Instagrammed Car Brands on Social Media

    While Facebook still reigns supreme, Instagram is one of the fastest growing platforms in the realm of social media. This is excellent news for brands seeking exposure and looking to reach their

  • Socati: Offering High-Quality CBD-Based Products and Raw Materials to Brands and Producers

    The CBD industry has grown extensively over the past few years. This can be partially credited to the developments and widespread acceptance of hemp and CBD-based products. A multitude of new

  • 4 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Getting Traffic

    If getting traffic to your site were easy, then everyone’s blog would be a hit. Unfortunately, it’s not the case. Regardless of how great you may think your blog is, you can’t guarantee that

  • Creating a Culture of Security with Private Equity Firms

    Private equity and other alternative investments have been making headlines with their unprecedented success. While this has led to tremendous capital pouring into the space, it has also resulted in